young man using computer for a critical thinking assessment.

Assessing Critical Thinking Skills for 21st-Century Learning

Critical thinking skills are some of the most highly sought-after skills in the business world and with good reason. Individuals with critical thinking skills can take in data and information and analyze it quickly to make informed decisions on the spot. Critical thinkers are also excellent problem solvers who may come up with innovative and […]

What Are Outcomes-based Assessments (and how can you implement them)?

Developing high-quality assessments that measure intended learning outcomes is an important but challenging part of the learning process. Educators may utilize formative and summative assessments throughout the learning process to help gauge what students know and can do. For educators, it is important to balance assessment types and continually use assessments for learning to determine […]

woman leaning forward looking at a computer screen in a computer lab with other students to her side also using a secure online exam platform.

Digital Assessment Security & Integrity: Drawing the Line

In today’s digital world, online education is here to stay, especially when it comes to testing and assessments. However, as we transition to online testing, it’s essential to distinguish between two pivotal terms: exam security and integrity. Although these terms might sometimes be used interchangeably in the context of digital assessments, they have unique implications. […]

close up of two female students looking at a laptop screen while other students are out of focus in the background to show creative assessment ideas.

5 Creative Ways to Assess Student Learning

Assessment is a critical part of the learning process for both educators and students. Through well-planned and delivered assessments teachers can get a complete picture of what a student can and cannot do. With technological advances in online testing platforms and assessment, teachers have access to large data sets that can pinpoint growth and achievement […]

Tech Tips for Becoming a TAO Power User

Following up on the TAO Days conference, we want to provide you with a written way to maximize your TAO testing platform experience by knowing some of the hidden gems of the solution.  We know that content organization plays a crucial role in effectively managing resources and ensuring easy navigation and retrieval of information. This […]

young boy sitting a a desk in a classroom taking a digital exam on a laptop.

How Test Question Randomization Improves Exam Integrity

For educators and test creators, improving exam integrity is an ongoing process. As new technologies become available strategies like test question randomization become more valuable in ensuring exams are fair and cheating is minimized. This is especially important when exams are given asynchronously, where one student takes a test before another student.  While it may […]

Operational Excellence

TAO gives you the most freedom to deliver every type of testing for every type of learner, built on open source by the leader in assessments.

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